Metrics &
Evidence-based Policies
The strategy for this core area involves the collection of metric data in accordance with accepted
international methodologies and their processing in order to establish indicators for Research,
Technology, Development and Innovation. At the same time, using access to a significant amount
of secondary bibliometric data and data regarding Greek participation in European programmes,
we produce indicators to create an image of Greek scientific and research activities.
Our priorities for this core area target
Establishing ourselves as the reference point in Greece for the provision of trustworthy research,
technology, development and innovation data and the carrying out of scientific activities for
research and innovation policies
Contributing, on an international level, to the development of the scientific development
of policies for science, creativity and innovation
Support for the Greek Research,Technology, Development and Innovation system with
established indicators, so as to give a picture of the country, to make the comparison with other
European countries and the members of OECD possible and to support Research, Technology,
Development and Innovation policies based on verifiable data. [Reg 995/2012]
Development, operation and consolidation of our CRIS infrastructure
Contributing to the creation of networked culture for the understanding and promoting
of evidence-based policies on Research,Technology, Development and Innovation.
Transfer and use
of knowledge for innovative
and sustainable development
Our third core area of activity completes and integrates elements from the first two areas in as much
as it helps Greek businesses to be outward-looking and supports the transfer and use of reliable
knowledge which is produced in Greece. The operation of this includes general information activities,
networking, expert advisory services and the provision of expertise, with the aim of strengthening
business activities which depend on or use innovation.
Our priorities
Support national and international knowledge intensive networks
Establish ourselves as the hub for the provision of transfer and use of knowledge services
in sectors such as Energy, Health, ICT, Environment, Cultural and Creative Industries
Highlighting our organisation as the recognised organisaiton for the provision of support,
material and training in the area of intellectual property and open licensing fees with the aim
of transferring and reusing knowledg
Innovative online services using our, EKT’s, knowledge