Main Priorities
The implementation of the above core activities can be accelerated by adopting basic guidelines
and encouraging the compliance with trends which are typical of the equivalent European and
international policies and practices.
By doing this, our overall aim is to guarantee good practices in the managing and disseminating
of quality knowledge via digital services.
understanding and creating
value chains for the three priority axes
• ‘Value chains’ describe the full range of activities which are required in order to bring a product
or a service to a consumer. This includes activities such as initial concept, design, resources,
production and support for the end user. Today, most value chains are global as they are of a
cross-border nature. As it is crucial for every value chain to be outward-looking, and of a certain
range and value, we seek to establish value chains which relate to our services and to contribute
effectively, as much to the creation of new value, as to the intensity of the production of value
within the existing chains, through the best use of relevant knowledge capital.
• Due to the nature of knowledge as a non-competitive and public good [in its economic meaning]
the use of which does not lead to its exhaustion, EKT seeks to establish value chains which
foster reuse of knowledge creating a virtuous cycle. A virtuous cycle allows the propagation,
the deepening and the expansion of knowledge capital through the reuse of knowledge and
the fostering of its innovative use. We develop open access and open data activities, aiming to
strengthen such virtuous cycles and provide value for multiple recipients of knowledge capital,
for example through open e-publishing editions or providing open research data.
• • The value chains of importance to us are those with valuable data. They are chains related
to the production, clearance, enrichment, perpetual preservation, dissemination and reuse of
data. We work mainly in the area of research and cultural data, but as the value of the data
increases exponentially in regard to their recombination possibilities and because research, to
a great extent, depends on data which are produced by public organisations, we have a particular
interest in creating appropriate institutional and other prerequisites for easy access to public
data which is crucial for researchers.
In 2014-2015
, we aim to make our positioning in international chains better and clearer and,
through our services, enable the positioning of third parties in value chains of their interest.