creating knowledge capital
• the creation of value chains in a society and economy based on information prerequires the
existence, management and exploitation of knowledge capital or capital based on knowledge
[Knowledge Based Capital (KBC)]. The distinction between knowledge and knowledge capital
lies, to a great degree, in the fact that the latter can be identified autonomously or named,
measured and exchanged. The basic tool of management, exploitation and finally expansion of
Knowledge Capital is consolidation and exploitation of knowledge through the various forms of
intellectual property, measuring, indicators and records.
• At EKT, we play an active role in all of these three areas, with the emphasis on reinforcing
creativity and innovation, measuring of knowledge capital and the increase in the organisational
and entrepreneurial abilities of SMEs as well as their innovative activities through the activities
of Enterprise Europe Network.
The aim for 2014-2015
is to strengthen the whole range of activities which allow the expansion
of our Knowledge Capital at EKT, as well as provide the services which enable third parties to
expand their own Knowledge Capital.
data-centred approach
• the production, management and reuse of data plays a crucial role in creating value chains both
in the form of raw data and indicators which can help participants in a value chain to maximise
the benefits they get from participating.
Priorities for 2014-2015
• to improve the controlled flow and sharing of data within our services
• to increase third party access to further use of data provided by our services [eg open archives,
Call 31, SaaS, OpenABEKT]
• to improve the quality of data collected, aggregated and disseminated by us via activities on
standardisation, education and training
• to improve the organisational skills of bodies producing data using our services, as well as the
wider ecosystem within which they are integrated
• to reinforce the institutional framework and formation of policies for data reuse from
organisations producing data for research and cultural content
• to increase the outward-looking character of publications with RDI data and to improve
procedures for the collection, quality control, recording and reuse of relevant data
• to create a virtuous circle between public and research/ cultural data.