Annual Report 2013 - page 6

2013 was a noteworthy year for our foundation EKT- the National Documentation Centre. The retirement of
Evangelos Bouboukas, after a long and successful career as the Director of the organisation, marked the end
of an era. At the same time, the maturation of a series of activities based on statistics for Research,Technology,
Development & Innovation and the establishment of collaborations with organisations producing and
disseminating reliable cultural content, as well as the redesign and expansion of Enterprise Europe Network -
Hellas services, strengthened our already central role in the national knowledge ecosystem and extended our
outward-looking approach to international value chains for a knowledge economy.
From the establishment of EKT, until his retirement in 2013, Mr. Evangelos Bouboukas, was its director and one
of the longest-serving executives. He also served for a period as the vice-president of the National Hellenic
Research Foundation’s Board of Directors. He left behind a wealth of work carried out in the country in the
areas of research and innovation. He, himself, was closely connected with EKT from the earliest stages of its
creation. In 1983, he undertook the responsibility of handling the funding from the United Nations Development
Programme [UNDP] for the creation of a National Documentation Centre in Greece, an original idea for the
country at that time.
We express our thanks with the appreciation and respect which is due a public figure who not only introduced
the concept of digital content but also established it in the public dialogue, while, at the same time, acting as
a catalyst in the creation of one of the major institutions of digital knowledge in the country - EKT.
The Partnership Contract for the Common Strategic Framework [CSRF] 2014-2020. for which there was
preparation in 2013, places the production of knowledge, innovation and the balance of sustainable growth
at the centre of Greek programming, directly linking it with European and international priorities. We, EKT,
are the central national infrastructure providing services and tools for supporting Research, Technology,
Development and Innovation and our aim is to strengthen the quality and outward-looking approach of the
whole of the Greek Research and Innovation ecosystem. Our activities and services are essential to the
creation of prerequisites in order to move forward in accordance with European Strategy for 2020 and the
national development programme for the period 2015-2021.
Within that framework, our organisation has participated in a series of consultations for the formation of
the Digital Agenda 2020; national strategy for ICT; CSRF 2014-2020 in the research and cultural areas; the
Community Directive and the new law for reuse of public sector information; regional Smart Specialisations
Programmes; strategy for e-governance; the commitment of the country to open governance and, last but not
least, the proposed law for research.
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